Suzie Taylor and her world of Felantia
Suzie Taylor and her world of Felantia

Grandma Agnes is described as having disappeared back in 1969 never to be seen again. After it was published I had to address the self imposed challenge of explaining what had happened!

I am a Christian artist and writer of fantasy fiction, living on Tamborine Mountain in Queensland, Australia

My first book, 'Fairy Foals' was a picture book published back in 2006 in Australia, the USA, and some countries in Europe under the pseudonym 'Suzanah'.

This initial story was set in Western Australia where I was living at the time. The full concept of Felantia had not developed at that stage, but at the beginning of 'Fairy Foals' I set myself a mystery:

'My Grandmother sent me a box. Not a fortune or any of her exquisite jewelry. Just a box. It was not even a very exciting box, but it was clearly labeled: 'For Suzanah Rose Williamson'. And if that wasn't strange enough, I didn't receive it until my fortieth birthday'...

Suzie Taylor and Felantia

Grandma Agnes is described as having disappeared back in 1969 never to be seen again. After it was published I had to address the self imposed challenge of explaining what had happened!

My life in a realm of faeries

II am a Christian artist and writer of fantasy fiction, living on Tamborine Mountain in Queensland, Australia

My first book, 'Fairy Foals' was a picture book published back in 2006 in Australia, the USA, and some countries in Europe under the pseudonym 'Suzanah'.

This initial story was set in Western Australia where I was living at the time. The full concept of Felantia had not developed at that stage, but at the beginning of 'Fairy Foals' I set myself a mystery:

'My Grandmother sent me a box. Not a fortune or any of her exquisite jewelry. Just a box. It was not even a very exciting box, but it was clearly labeled: 'For Suzanah Rose Williamson'. And if that wasn't strange enough, I didn't receive it until my fortieth birthday'...

The world of Felantia
The world of Felantia

This idea has developed into a series of stories about 'Felantia', (named after the mysterious lantern in Fairy Foals).

What disaster had occurred to cause a once flourishing faerie city to become a crumbling ruin? The adventure begins with the escapades of four Aussie kids who make the discovery when they follow a mischievous bug dragon into the forest...

Although I was born and raised in Sydney, I had the interesting experience of living in Canterbury in the UK during my teens. This was a city strewn with archaeological diggings and historical sites. One of my friends even found Roman pavers in her back yard! Years later, having moved back to Australia, I imagined what it would be like to accidentally discover the ruins of a faerie civilisation. I pictured myself digging and brushing away the dirt to reveal houses, roads and structures that were all tiny.

This idea has developed into a series of stories about 'Felantia', (named after the mysterious lantern in Fairy Foals).

What disaster had occurred to cause a once flourishing faerie city to become a crumbling ruin? The adventure begins with the escapades of four Aussie kids who make the discovery when they follow a mischievous bug dragon into the forest...

Although I was born and raised in Sydney, I had the interesting experience of living in Canterbury in the UK during my teens. This was a city strewn with archiological diggings and historical sites. One of my friends even found Roman pavers in her back yard! Years later, having moved back to Australia, I imagined what it would be like to accidentally discover the ruins of a faerie civilisation. I pictured myself digging and brushing away the dirt to reveal houses, roads and structures that were all tiny.

The world of Felantia
The world of Felantia

'The Bug Dragon Project' is the first novel in the series and is available on Amazon. It draws heavily on the caving adventures I enjoyed in my early 20's; crawling through tight dark spaces to discover spectacular limestone formations! This story introduces the evil power responsible for Felantia's destruction and the children are employed to aid the bug dragons in their defences.

Book two, 'The Felantia Files' explores the faerie realm and its characters in more detail and introduces the challenging path to Felantia's restoration and the return of faeries exiled in the human world.

I hope to publish the Felantia Files in the not too distant future so I can start getting the third book out of my head!

'The Bug Dragon Project' is the first novel in the series and is available on Amazon. It draws heavily on the caving adventures I enjoyed in my early 20's; crawling through tight dark spaces to discover spectacular limestone formations! This story introduces the evil power responsible for Felantia's destruction and the children are employed to aid the bug dragons in their defences.

Book two, 'The Felantia Files' explores the faerie realm and its characters in more detail and introduces the challenging path to Felantia's restoration and the return of faeries exiled in the human world.

I hope to publish the Felantia File in the not too distant future so I can start getting the third book out of my head!