The inner sanctuary of the cave glows with a light of its own.
If you want to catch a bug dragon, use raw egg. Works every time!
A Selection of illustrations from the world of Felantia.
My artwork is all created the old fashioned way with gouache paint, airbrush and paintbrushes.
These artworks were all hand painted with gouache paint on artboard using an airbrush and paintbrushes.
The bug dragons cave with a view over 'King Island'.
The inner sanctuary of the cave glows with a light of its own.
If you want to catch a bug dragon, use raw egg. It works every time.
Bug Dragons communicate with high pitched sounds and by flashing their tail light.
'The Bug Dragon Project'
This is a selection of Fairy Foals pictures - some from the original book and others more recent.
Mud Glorious mud!
Fairy Foals are very small indeed.
Little Brown explains his plan...
Unusual friendships
Characters and concepts
'Freekia' the evil faerie scientist.
'Shimmie' the nimbleimp.
'Neos' the dextrapixopholun!
'Carcawrass' the evil overlord...
...who is able to turn into a crow.
Never let these guys in your house!